Volunteers Retreat 2018

 In Volunteer

Volunteers Retreat 2018 – Self Care 

As a volunteer, you are constantly focused on helping others, trying to support our patients or their caregivers in their time of difficulty, but do you remember to take good care of yourself?  Self-care is the topic for our retreat this year.  Because you are a volunteer, you may think of yourself always being the strong one, the giver, you have to worry about others, not yourself, right?  Let’s explore further.

How do we maintain our own condition so that we are most effective in reaching out and embracing others? 

How do we absorb and neutralize feelings of uncertainty and sadness, and other negative energies, and protect ourselves as well as provide positivity to others?

We are inviting speakers and panelists to share their knowledge and experience, and we encourage you to raise questions and share comments during Q&A as well as in small group break-outs.

You are the warm hearts and strong backs of New Hope.  We hope the retreat program will inspire and energize you, strengthen our connectivity and collaboration, and launch into 2018’s great adventure with a refreshed perspective.

As always, we will have food, entertainment, and fun activities, throughout the day.  Details will be provided as we firm up the arrangements.


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