In News Release, Upcoming Events

Do you have experience with serious illness such as cancer, heart/lung disease, cirrhosis, or other chronic impairment as a patient or caregiver? Are you from a Chinese or Chinese American community? If so, you may be eligible for a study aiming to advance our understanding of culturally concordant palliative care.

You May Qualify If You:

  • Are at least 18 years old
  • Have been diagnosed with serious illness OR are a caregiver for someone with serious illness
    Are Chinese or Chinese American
  • Can communicate in English or Mandarin Chinese

What is involved?

  • One 30 to 40-minute video/audio recorded interview
  • Participation in the study is voluntary
  • Compensation of $35 via Amazon Gift Card

Potential Benefits:

  • Contribute to a better understanding of palliative care within Chinese and Chinese American communities


  • Encrypted Zoom Video Meeting OR
  • Stanford Health Care System 500 Pasteur Dr. Stanford, California, United States

Please contact the study coordinator, Kendall Lin at kendalll@stanford.edu or (916) 776-6398 if you’d like to send any leads via secure email or if you’d like more information about this study. For participant’s rights questions, please contact 1-866-680-2906. You can also sign up by clicking [here].





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