Personal and case-specific discussions conducted by experienced oncologists provide patients with immediate and appropriate answers to cancer-related questions and concerns.

Nutritious meals are essential to a cancer patient’s diet. We provide short-term meal support to needy cancer patients currently undergoing treatment. Please call our office for more information.

Recreational activities such as yoga, choir, mindful dancing, calligraphy, hand-crafts, etc. are organized for cancer patients to help them take their mind off of the frustration and stress involved with living with cancer.

This service provides financially challenged patients with a viable way to reach their health care provider. We provide free transportation services to cancer patients seeking medical treatment, pending volunteer availability. Please call our office as early in advance as possible in order to schedule.

Our support groups welcome cancer patients from all stages — newly diagnosed, fighting recurrence, undergoing treatment, finished treatment, and survivors — to come together to share their experiences and draw strength from one another. Each support group has a leader who organizes educational and intellectual activities, and provides caring and supportive visits to group members in need.

We help connect cancer patients to helpful community resources and social services such as social welfare, insurance benefits, in-home care services, etc.

Our volunteers provide short-term relief for family caregivers from caring for their loved ones, so that family caregivers can have some time to handle daily chores or simply take a break.

We assist patients with understanding their diagnoses and in communicating with their doctors. We help patients understand their treatment plans, and accompany them to physician appointments as necessary.

A hotline made available to cancer patients, run by trained volunteers who provide the most up-to-date relevant information. Our free care hotline is open for 24-hour service, and pre-recorded voice messages are in use outside of regular business hours.

Community Education

Our professional team of instructors presents lectures providing accurate and up-to-date health knowledge. We welcome societies, organizations, and private gatherings to contact our office if they wish to arrange a lecture time and location. We also stay in touch and share the most up-to-date cancer information with partner cancer care organizations in the greater China and Asia region.

Contact Us

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