2016 New Hope Chinese Cancer Care Foundation Memories

1/20/2016: Lecturer on Cancer Prevention and Early Testing: Dr. Liu Shuming (co-organized with El Camino Hospital)

1/30/2016: Eden Project Quilt Design and Production Speaker: Dr. Zheng Zizheng

2/17/2016: Medicines and Drugs Speaker: Dr. Huang Xiping (co-organized with El Camino Hospital)

2/24/2016: Helpline Telephone Volunteer Training Speaker: Qiu Ai

3/5/2016: Lectures on Colorectal Carcinoma: Doctor’s Disease, Anti-precision Treatment Speaker: Dr. Yu Xiaoan

3/12/2016: Cancer Prevention and Early Diagnosis Speaker: Dr. Liu Shuming

3/16/2016: Cancer Immunotherapy – Immune System Language Cancer Speaker: Dr. Li Jia Li (co-organized with El Camino Hospital)

4/20/2016: Can cancer be determined by a blood test? Speaker: Dr. Eastman (co-hosted with El Camino Hospital)

4/2016: Launching “Cancer Ordering Service”

5/14/2016: Prevention and Treatment of Skin Cancer Speaker: Professor Zhuang Zuyi

5/18/2016: End of Life Care Speaker: Minghui Chen, Nursing Trainer, Dr. Cao Zhixing (co-organized with El Camino Hospital)

6/12/2016: I am a brave person. I want to show Survivor Got Talent.

6/26/2016: Health Fair for Cancer Prevention

7/21/2016: Cancer Friends Day Tour – San Francisco Museum of Asian Art

7/30/2016: Prevention and Treatment of Hepatitis B vs Liver Cancer Speakers: Dr. Zhou Renzhang, Dr. Dairong Ye

8/21/2016: Jiang Xun Charity Fundraising Speech — Body Aesthetics

8/2016: Launch of Health Advocacy and Education Services (HAES)

9/17/2016: Driving Volunteer / Home Visit Volunteer / Office Volunteer Sharing & “Hope Heart” Chen Weishan talks about nursing care

9/23/2016: Cancer Caregiver Support Sharing and Social Welfare Resources: Huang Qitai, Xu Qichen, Chen Zongxin, Huang Xiaoting

9/28/2016: Breast Cancer Information Speaker: Dr. Liu Jianhong (co-organized with El Camino Hospital)

10/1/2016: The New Year’s Eve Caring for Cancer User’s Manual is available online

10/2/2016: The New Hope Conference shines new hope


We would also like to give thanks to:

El Camino Hospital, Chinese Health Promotion Program Health Day

Chinese Alzheimer Disease Forum

Yushan Science and Technology Association Long-term care talks

Yushan Science and Technology Association Annual Conference

Meihua Caring Concern Documentary “Xiu Hui and Chang Yi” Community Premiere and Life Care Workshop.

China Semiconductor Association

Presbyterian Church

North Alumni Association

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